This article uses Kleihauer method to detect maternal blood containing fetal red blood cells, confirmed that fetal-maternal hemorrhage is an important cause of fetal morbidity and mortality. If the fetus can be diagnosed before serious and fatal damage, the tragic outcome can be prevented. Attached 3 cases report. Case Ⅰ: 23-year-old primiparous, pre-delivery period of 2 days. Chief complaint decreased fetal movement 24 hours. Fetal labor records show fetal heart rate too fast. Check the fetal scalp after rupture of blood pH7.13. That Caesarean section, delivered a pale, weak, asphyxia baby girl, weighing 3.3kg, systolic blood pressure 42mmHg, hemoglobin 3.9g / dl, hematocrit (PCV) 0.16. Blood transfusion has 180ml, hemoglobin rose to 18.2g / dl, PCV0.56.