对我国首次在西太平洋挑战者深渊采集的硅藻软泥沉积物开展硅藻分析,结果表明硅藻软泥由数量巨大的大筛盘藻[Ethmodiscus rex(Rattray)Hendey]碎片组成,并伴生有少量热带远洋浮游种类硅藻。硅藻软泥属于大筛盘藻软泥类型,推测可能形成于更新世中后期,代表着大规模E.rex勃发事件发生。其形成机制与冰期时段南极深层水入侵西北太平洋增加水体硅含量、减弱硅藻溶蚀作用,并补充次表层水体硅含量而激发E.rex竞争优势密切相关。本文为理解低纬度海沟区硅藻微体生物随全球气候和区域海洋环境变迁而发生显著变化提供了基础材料。
The diatom analysis of diatom slime deposits collected for the first time in our abyss of Challengers in the Western Pacific showed that diatom slimes consisted of a large number of fragments of Ethmodiscus rex (Rattray) Hendey debris accompanied by A small amount of tropical oceanic plankton species diatoms. Diatomaceous slime belongs to the type of large-scale cuttlefish slime, suggesting that it may be formed in the late Pleistocene, representing the occurrence of large-scale E. rex booming events. Its formation mechanism is closely related to the competitive advantage of E.rex being stimulated by deep-water intrusion into the Northwest Pacific during the glacial period to increase the silicon content of the water body, weaken the dissolution of diatoms and supplement the silicon content in sub-surface water bodies. This article provides the basic material for understanding the significant changes of diatom micro-organisms in the low-latitude trench area with the changes of the global climate and the regional marine environment.