20 0 2年 5月 9日~ 13日 ,受国家计量认证评审组委托 ,由地矿测试评审组及冶金测试评审组主办 ,江苏省地质调查研究院协承办的《全国计量认证 /审查认可 (验收 )评审准则》宣传贯彻及内审员培训班在宁开班。来自全国地矿、冶金、石油、海洋等 6 0多家单位 70余名代表参加了培
May 9, 2002 to May 13, commissioned by the National Metrology Accreditation Review Group, by the Geological Testing and Assessment Group and the Metallurgical Testing and Assessment Group sponsored by the Institute of Geological Survey and Research Institute of Jiangsu Province to undertake the “national metrology certification / review and approval ( Acceptance) review guidelines ”propaganda and implementation and internal auditor training courses in Nanjing. More than 70 representatives from more than 60 units in the geology, mining, metallurgy, oil and marine industries attended the training