Familial colorectal cancer screening: When and what to do?

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xujiaaiwu
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Colorectal cancer(CRC) is the third leading cause of death worldwide and represents a clinical challenge.Family members of patients affected by CRC have an increased risk of CRC development.In these individuals,screening is strongly recommended and should be started earlier than in the population with average risk,in order to detect neoplastic precursors,such as adenoma,advanced adenoma,and nonpolypoid adenomatous lesions of the colon.Fecal occult blood test(FOBT) is a non invasive,widespread screening method that can reduce CRC-related mortality.Sigmoidoscopy,alone or in addition to FOBT,represents another screening strategy that reduces CRC mortality.Colonoscopy is the best choice for screening highrisk populations,as it allows simultaneous detection and removal of preneoplastic lesions.The choice of test depends on local health policy and varies among countries. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third leading cause of death worldwide and represents a clinical challenge. Family members of patients affected by CRC have an increased risk of CRC development. In these individuals, screening is strongly recommended and should be started earlier than in the population with average risk, in order to detect neoplastic precursors, such as adenoma, advanced adenoma, and nonpolypoid adenomatous lesions of the colon. Fecal occult blood test (FOBT) is a non invasive, widespread screening method that can reduce CRC-related mortality. Sigmoidoscopy, alone or in addition to FOBT, represents another screening strategy that reduces CRC mortality. Colonoscopy is the best choice for screening highrisk populations, as it allows simultaneous detection and removal of preneoplastic lesions. The choice of test depends on local health policy and varies among countries.
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