【目的】了解儿童情感交叉擦腿综合征(childhood masturbation,CM)发生的相关因素、临床表现及家长可接受的就医模式;借助Achenbach儿童行为量表,评估6岁及6岁以上CM患儿同时伴发的行为问题。【方法】选取CM的儿童89例,通过电话交谈及完成一个CM相关因素的自编调查问卷;采用Achenbach儿童行为量表(CBCL家长用)对21例6~11岁女性患儿的行为问题进行评估;对资料进行统计分析。【结果】1)70.79%患儿在睡前躺着发生CM,并且有不同程度类似性高潮的表现,67.21%的3岁以上的患儿表示有舒服的快感。2)CM发生的相关影响因素众多,其中65.17%存在父母少陪,缺少亲密的身体接触和语言呵护等情感关怀缺失情况;46.07%的患儿开始此行为是对泌尿生殖系统疾病本能的反应,而后发展成习惯性动作。3)73.03%的家长则表示不同意将儿童此行为摄像备诊断所用。4)Achenhach儿童行为量表测试结果6岁以上CM组的行为问题得分(24.38±14.32)高于对照组(20.76±15.3),但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。【结论】CM是一种与成人手淫相类似的行为,可达到拟似性高潮的程度,影响因素中以缺少父母的情感关怀为突出;在国内摄像用于诊断的依从性差,诊断CM无法主要依赖于摄像资料;6岁以上CM女性儿童的行为问题并不很突出。
【Objective】 To understand the related factors, clinical manifestations and acceptable medical treatment for children with childhood masturbation syndrome (CM). To evaluate the effect of CM on children aged 6 years and over with the help of Achenbach Children’s Behavior Scale Incidental behavior problems. 【Methods】 Eighty-nine children with CM were selected to talk over the phone and completed a self-made questionnaire about CM related factors. Behavior problems of 21 children aged 6 to 11 years with Achenbach Children’s Behavior Scale (CBCL parents) Evaluation; statistical analysis of the data. 【Results】 1) 70.79% of children had CM lying at bedtime, with similar orgasm performance, 67.21% of children over 3 years old had a pleasant feeling of comfort. 2) There are many influencing factors in the occurrence of CM, of which 65.17% lack of parental care, lack of close physical contact and lack of affective care such as language care; 46.07% of the children started this behavior as an instinct response to urogenital diseases, Then developed into habitual action. 3) 73.03% of parents said they did not agree with this behavior. 4) Achenhach Child Behavior Test Results The score of behavioral problems (24.38 ± 14.32) in CM group over 6 years old was higher than that of control group (20.76 ± 15.3), but the difference was not statistically significant (P> 0.05). 【Conclusion】 CM is a kind of behavior similar to adult masturbation, which can reach the degree of mimic orgasm. Out of the influencing factors, the affective care of the lack of parents is prominent; the compliance of domestic video camera for diagnosis is poor; the diagnosis of CM is not significant Depends on the camera data; CM women over the age of 6 behavior problems are not very prominent.