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  UNICEF says the death rate for children under the age of five has fallen 28% since 1990. Experts credit the drop to improvements in public health measures. These include vaccination[接种疫苗] campaigns and the use of bed nets – chemically treated to kill mosquitoes that spread
  Still, Brian Hansford at the United Nations Children’s Fund says more work remains.
  Hansford: Certainly the good news is that the rate of deaths of children under five years of age continued to decline in 2008. The absolute number of child deaths declined to an estimated 8.8 million from 12.5 million in 1990. Compared to 1990, 10,000 fewer children are dying each day. The bad news is that an annual death total of 8.8 million is still a tragedy, and so there’s still much to do.
  One of the U.N. Millennium Development Goals is to reduce the under-five death rate by two-thirds by 2015. One country that could reach this goal is Malawi. In 1990, there were 225 deaths for every 1000 live births. The estimate for last year was 100 deaths.
  UNICEF spokesman Brian Hansford says pneumonia[肺炎] and diarrhea[腹泻] remain the world’s two greatest killers of young children. 93% of the deaths happen in Africa and Asia.
  A separate new study looked at deaths worldwide in young people age 10 to 24. It found that 97% happen in low and middle income countries. And two out of every five are the result of injuries and violence.
  Professor George Patton at Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, was the lead author.
  Patton: In high income countries such as the United States, the U.K. and Australia, death rates are around 45 per hundred thousand per year. In sub-Saharan Africa we have the highest death rates in the world, and they are around seven times higher than that.
  The study found that worldwide, more than two and a half million people age 10 to 24 died in 2004. Nearly two-thirds were in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia.
  Conditions related to pregnancy and childbirth were a leading cause of deaths in females. But for both sexes combined, the leading killer in this age group was traffic
  accidents. 10% of all the deaths were blamed on road injuries. Next came suicide and violence. Also in the top ten causes were infections, including tuberculosis[结核病] and H.I.V./AIDS, as well as drowning and fire-related deaths. The study appears in the journal The Lancet.
  2000年,在世界进入新千年之际召开的联合国大会通过了《联合国千年宣言》(United Nations Millennium Declaration),宣言确定了到2015年应当实现的千年发展目标(Millennium Development Goals,简称MDG),并使用8项目标和48项指标来监测进展。这些目标是:
  1、消除极度贫困和饥饿。(Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.)
  2、普及全球初等教育。(Achieve universal primary education.)
  3、促进性别平等和提高妇女权力。(Promote gender equality and empower women.)
  4、减少儿童死亡率。(Reduce child mortality.)
  5、提高母亲的健康水平。(Improve maternal health.)
  6、与艾滋病、疟疾和其他疾病作斗争。(Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.)
  7、保证环境的可持续发展。(Ensure environmental sustainability.)
  8、为促进发展建立全球性的合作关系。(Develop a global partnership for development.)
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