平壤专电 1950年深秋,朝鲜的国土上硝烟弥漫,炮火连天,美国军队的坦克和炮车直逼鸭绿江边。同年10月25日,由中国人民的优秀儿女组成的中国人民志愿军举着“抗美援朝,保家卫国”的旗帜,雄赳赳、气昂昂,跨过鸭绿江,奔赴朝鲜战场。志愿军同朝鲜人民经过3年的浴血奋战,打败了不可一世的美军,实现了朝鲜停战,保卫了世界的和平和祖国人民的安宁。40年过去了,在废墟上建起的平壤成了秀丽的城市,遭受过战火摧残的朝鲜充满生机,战后出生的中青年和少年儿童们享受着幸福的生活,中国
In the late autumn of 1950, in Pyongyang, North Korea’s land was filled with smoke and gunshots. The tanks and artillery tanks of the U.S. Army were just like the Yalu River. On 25 October the same year, the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army, composed of the outstanding children of the Chinese people, held the banner of “Resisting U.S.A.Aid. Korea and Protecting Our Country” and marched through the Yalu River to the Korean battlefield. After three years of fighting bloody battles, the volunteers and the DPRK defeated the mighty U.S. troops to achieve a cease-fire in North Korea and defend the peace in the world and the peace of the people of the motherland. Forty years have passed since Pyongyang built on the rubble has become a beautiful city. North Korea, which has suffered war-torn life, is full of vitality. Young and middle-aged children born after the war have enjoyed a happy life. China