基层统计工作是政府统计工作的源头和基础。在社会主义市场经济条件下 ,乡镇统计工作究竟怎么搞?目前国内尚无统一的模式 ,国外也没有可资借鉴的经验。桐乡市梧桐镇党委、政府一班人发扬“敢为人先”的浙江精神 ,于2000年11月 ,率先建立了梧桐镇统计中心 ,对新形势下的乡镇统计工作模式进行了有益的探索和实践。为此 ,本刊记者特地走访了梧桐镇镇长宋霄峰、桐乡市统计局副局长吕悦龙和镇统计中心主任徐松平。
Grass-roots statistics is the source and basis of government statistics. Under the condition of socialist market economy, what exactly does township statistical work do? There is no unified model in China at present and there is no foreign experience available for reference. Tongxiang Wutong town Party committee, a group of government to carry forward the “pioneers” spirit of Zhejiang Province, in November 2000, took the lead in establishing Wutong Town Statistical Center, the township statistical work mode under the new situation a useful exploration and practice . To this end, correspondents specifically visited Wutong town mayor Song Xiaofeng, deputy director of Tongxiang Statistical Bureau Luyue Long and the town of statistics center director Xu Songping.