时令水果 美容绝招

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金秋季节,各种应市水果令人目不暇接。对女同胞来说,真是美化和养护皮肤的绝佳时机。苹果、葡萄、白梨、弥猴桃,均果厚汁多,味美诱人。每天多吃一些,不仅大饱口福,还可使女士们的皮肤润泽、光滑、细腻。对平时不愿吃水果或嫌吃起来很麻烦的职业女性来说,可以走一条喝果汁弃果肉的捷径,以达到在短时间内吸收较多维生素和微量元素,尽快改善皮肤的目的。方法很简单:去专卖厨房用品的商店,买一个手动榨汁器,把葡萄粒放进去,一次可榨5—8粒,挤压出果汁后,把葡萄皮丢弃。苹果、白梨洗净,用礤板儿礤成细丝,然后再挤压出 Autumn season, all kinds of fruits should be dizzying. For fellow women, it is a perfect time to beautify and maintain the skin. Apples, grapes, white pears, kiwi fruit, fruit thick juice, delicious and attractive. Eat more each day, not only full of delicious, but also make the ladies skin moist, smooth and delicate. For women who are unwilling to eat fruits or eat too much trouble, you can take a shortcut to drink fruit juice and discard the flesh to achieve the goal of absorbing more vitamins and trace elements in a short time and improving the skin as soon as possible. The method is very simple: go to the monopoly kitchen supplies store, buy a manual juicer, the grapes into it, once squeezed 5-8 tablets, squeezed out the juice, the grape skins discarded. Apples, white pear washed, with a slander board child into a filament, and then squeezed out
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