流感是严重威胁人类和动物健康的人兽共患病之一,21世纪来动物和人流感疫情频发,多种亚型禽流感和猪流感病毒具备感染人的能力.流感疫情提示,人类、动物和生态系统的健康相互联系,为了更好地了解并迅速对流感疫情做出应对,需要通过跨学科、跨部门的协调合作进行研究与实践.本文通过对中国近年来流感疫情的回顾,结合One Health理念的实践,探讨“惟一健康”策略用于21世纪流感的研究及防控.“,”Influenza is one of the most serious zoonoses of human and animal. Epidemics of animals and human flu occurred frequently. In the 21st century,multiple subtypes of avian and swine influenza virus were found to have the ability to infect human. Influenza outbreaks remind us that the health of human ,animals and ecosystem are interrelated. In order to better understand and rapidly respond to the flu epidemic ,research and practice need to be conducted through interdisciplinary and interdepartmental coordination and cooperation. In this paper ,we reviewed the recent influenza epidemics in China and combined the One Health philosophy to explore the“one health”strategy for the prevention and control of influenza in the 21st century.