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随着改革逐级步入攻坚阶段,各种矛盾日益突出,加强改革的“顶层设计”被党中央提到了统领改革全局的高度。我国集体林权制度改革全面推进,取得的重要成效,与其在改革的顶层先行采取设计有关。改革的顶层设计以建设生态文明为理念,通过建立资源增长、林农增收、生态良好、林区和谐的多维目标体系,以产权改革为核心,不断完善政策措施,强调政策的跟进与综合配套。集体林权制度改革设计和路径选择较其他领域的改革具有后发优势。探索和总结我国集体林权制度改革顶层设计的特点,对于我国正在逐步开展和深化的其他领域的改革具有借鉴意义。 As the reform step by step into the crucial stage, various contradictions have become increasingly prominent. Strengthening the reform of the “top-level design” has been mentioned by the Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee to lead the overall height of reform. The reform of the collective forest rights system in our country has been promoted in an all-round way and the important achievements made are related to the design-first implemented at the top of the reform. The top-level reform of the reform is based on the concept of building ecological civilization. By establishing a multi-dimensional target system of increasing resources, increasing farmers’ income, good ecology and harmonious forest areas, and taking property rights reform as the core, we constantly improve policies and measures and emphasize policy follow-up and comprehensive support. The reform of collective forest tenure system design and path selection than other areas of reform have the advantage of backwardness. To explore and summarize the characteristics of the top-level design of the reform of collective forest ownership in our country is of great significance to the reform in other fields that China is gradually carrying out and deepening.
研究背景:发展社区卫生服务(community health service,CHS),是21世纪我国卫生服务的发展方向,我国正式公布的新医改方案中明确了社区卫生服务的地位和任务,并且明确指出了下