在清明节假期里,我陪一位朋友逛电器域,看看有什么样的音响适合他的新居。由于他本身不懂音响,但对音响的要求还是蛮高的,要求外形时尚漂亮,牌子一定要名牌,而且声音也要求有一定的水准。同时,又要求有一定的性价比等等。或许读者们看到这样的要求会让人觉得很头痛,事实上这种情况在普通消费者当中是相当普遍的。最近,一套Canton GLE 5.1家庭影院音箱送到了本刊编辑部作测评。当时我一看到它,就想起了我的朋友。因为我正想打算将这套音箱介绍给他。
During the Ching Ming Festival holiday, I spent time with a friend visiting the appliance area to see what kind of sound suited his new home. Because he does not understand the sound, but the sound requirements are still quite high, requiring beautiful appearance, brand must be famous, but the sound also requires a certain standard. At the same time, they also require a certain price and so on. Perhaps readers see such a request will make people feel a headache, in fact, this situation is quite common among ordinary consumers. Recently, a Canton GLE 5.1 home theater speaker delivered to our editorial department for evaluation. When I saw it, I remembered my friend. Because I was trying to introduce this speaker to him.