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笔者发现,很多农户在冬种作物播种季节,一次性施用大量氮肥做底肥,有的甚至每667平方米(1亩)地一次性就施入碳铵80~100公斤,或者尿素50~60公斤,以为这样就可以节省以后施肥的人力和物力。其实,这是一种认识上的误区。这种做法有以下害处:易出现死苗断垄现象。冬播作物一次性施用氮肥过多,在操作中如果撒施不均匀,容易造成肥害,导致缺苗断垄。尤其是冬播作物前期,氮肥过多集中在根系附近,如果遇到秋冬少雨天 I found that many farmers in the seeding season of winter crops, a large number of nitrogen fertilizer at the one-time application of base fertilizer, and some even every 667 square meters (1 acre) to a single application of ammonium bicarbonate 80 to 100 kg, or urea 50 to 60 kg , Thinking that this will save manpower and material resources after fertilization. In fact, this is a misunderstanding on the understanding. This approach has the following disadvantages: prone to death Miao-off phenomenon. Winter crop application of nitrogen fertilizer too much time, in the operation if spread uneven, likely to cause fat, leading to lack of seedlings broken ridge. Especially in winter pre-crop crop, too much nitrogen concentrated in the vicinity of the root system, if you encounter autumn and winter days
藿香正气水是夏季常用解暑药物,主要由藿香、苍术、陈皮、厚朴、白芷、茯苓、大腹皮、半夏、甘草、紫苏等中药组成,具有散寒化湿、和中祛暑的作用,常用来治疗脘腹胀痛、呕吐腹泻以及胃肠型感冒。其实,藿香正气水的作用并不局限于解暑,它还有许多新用途:  1.治小儿痱子:取藿香正气水1支,按比例加凉开水或生理盐水稀释,稀释浓度为:不满3个月者,药液与水的比例为1:3;4~12个月者,药液与水的比例为1:2;超过