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《说文》讲:“年,谷熟也”,年即庄稼收获之意。因此,古人把庄稼成熟的周期叫作“年”。春节也称元日、正日、朔旦、元旦,民间称“过年”。正是因为有了年,中国人才“年复一年”地沿着历史的长河渡过来了。据《诗经》载,周代的农夫到年底十月,为庆祝丰收和改岁,准备好美酒羔羊,共祝万寿无疆,已具备了春节的雏形。但它并没固定在正月举行,还算不上严格意义上的春节。从夏朝到汉武帝,岁首正月不断改变,春节始终没有定型。汉武帝太初元年(前104年),正式实施司马迁、落下闳、邓平等人改定的《太初历》, “Said the text,” said: “Year, the ripening of the valley,” that crop harvest meaning. Therefore, the ancients called the cycle of crop ripening “year.” Spring Festival also known as Yuan, Zhengri, New Year, New Year’s Day, folk saying “New Year.” It is precisely because of the year that the Chinese talents have been able to spend their years of history along the historic river. According to The Book of Songs, the peasants in Zhou Dynasty arrived in October of the end of this year. In order to celebrate the harvest and change their age, they prepared the lamb for wine and wine and hoped that Wanshou would have no boundaries and had the embryonic form of the Spring Festival. However, it is not held in the first month and is not quite a Spring Festival in the strict sense. From the Xia and Han Dynasties to Emperor Wudi, the first lunar month of the first year of continuous change, the Spring Festival has never been stereotyped. In the first year of Han Dynasty (the first 104 years), Emperor Wudi formally implemented Si Taqian,
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