
来源 :汽车与驾驶维修(汽车版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pengqiuyu1990
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作为一名合格的驾驶员,首先应该做到“眼观六路,耳听八方”。既然是六路,那就不可能只盯紧前方的道路,左右以及后方来车的情况都应该在驾驶员的视野之中,而这就需要借助汽车后视镜的力量来实现。汽车后视镜能够真实地反映驾驶员目所不及的区域的真实情况,是除了防抱死制动系统、电子制动力分配系统、安全带、安全气囊等主被动安全系统以外,一种同样关乎驾驶安全同时又必不可少的“安全装备”。 As a qualified driver, the first thing you should do is to “look around and listen to all directions.” Since it is six road, it can not just keep an eye on the road ahead, left and right to the car and the situation should be in the driver’s field of vision, which need to rely on the power of car rearview mirrors to achieve. Car rear-view mirror can truly reflect the true situation of the driver beyond the reach of the area, in addition to anti-lock brake system, electronic brake force distribution system, seat belts, airbags and other active and passive safety systems, Driving safety is also essential “safety equipment ”.
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刚刚从发酵罐里流出的浆汁或许新鲜,但没有经历过时间的沉淀和二次发酵的质变便无法达到至真至醇的口感。酒如此,车亦如此,而新锐志堪称佳酿 The juice that has just flowe
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政府补贴的出台,预示着中国新能源车春天的到来,然而现在又似乎不是购买新能源车的最佳时机,还有种种问题需要解决。 The introduction of government subsidies indicates