为进一步改善太行山区生态环境条件 ,进行大范围的片麻岩山区再生景观生态建设 ,通过大量的调查 ,研究了太行山片麻岩山区景观生态构成要素的特征 ,以及太行山片麻岩区的景观生态类型的划分。结果认为 :片麻岩山区景观中的本底要素是山场坡面 ,根据坡度、部位以及坡向划分为上部缓坡、上部阳 (半阳 )陡坡、上部阴 (半阴 )陡坡、中部阳 (半阳 )缓坡、中部阳 (半阳 )陡坡、中部阴 (半阴 )陡坡、下部阳 (半阳 )缓坡、下部阴 (半阴 )缓坡 9个不同的类型。次生林是唯一的残余斑块 ,生态效益好 ,但分布数量少。干扰斑块主要有农田斑块、村庄建筑斑块和道路斑块。引入斑块主要有人工水土保持林、一般经济林和高效经济林。片麻岩山区景观生态的走廊是沟谷和河道。通过系统聚类 ,将该区的景观划分为荒山型景观、疏林型景观、经济林型景观、生态经济林型景观 4大类。生态经济林型景观的主要斑块是林地 ,森林覆盖率达 30 %~ 85%以上 ,生态协调功能较强 ,生态效益与经济效益较好 ,是一种较为理想的景观生态类型
In order to further improve the ecological environment conditions in the Taihang Mountains and carry out a wide range of ecological landscape reconstruction of the mountainous areas in the Tamarine Mountains, a large number of surveys were conducted to study the characteristics of the landscape ecological elements in the gneissic mountainous areas of the Taihang Mountains and the landscape ecology of the gneissic rocks in the Taihang Mountains Type of division. The result shows that the background element of the mountain landscape in the gneiss is mountain slope, which is divided into upper gentle slope, upper Yang (Hanyang) steep slope, upper Yin (semi-Yin) steep slope, middle Yang Half-Yang) gentle slopes, central Yang (half-Yang) steep slopes, central Yin (semi-Yin) steep slopes, lower Yang (Hanyang) gentle slope, the lower Yin (Yin) gentle slope 9 different types. The secondary forest is the only remnant patch with good ecological benefits but with a small distribution. Disturbing plains are mainly farmland patches, village construction patches and road patches. The introduction of plaques mainly artificial soil and water conservation forests, general economic forest and high-efficiency economic forest. Gneiss mountain landscape ecology of the corridor is the valley and river. Through systematic clustering, the landscape of this area is divided into 4 categories: barren mountain landscape, sparse forest landscape, economic forest landscape and ecological economic forest landscape. The main patch of the eco-economic forest landscape is woodland. The forest coverage rate is above 30% ~ 85%, and its ecological coordination function is strong with good ecological and economic benefits. It is an ideal landscape ecology type