拉美国家的经济改革至少为我们提供了以下几点有益的启示。第一 ,在经济全球化的环境下 ,开放市场政策如果没有相应的和灵活的宏观经济政策的支持 ,是很难取得预期的理想效果的。第二 ,在转变政府职能的改革过程中 ,如何处理好政府与市场、中央政府 (联邦政府 )与地方政府的关系 ,对拉动经济增长、增加就业和避免在政府职能转变的过程中因利益再分配造成的收入分配不公现象的加剧 ,减少经济改革对社会的冲击 ,保持一国政治、经济和社会的稳定至关重要。第三 ,必须重视农业发展。笔者以墨西哥为例 ,阐述了政府在改革进程中忽视农业发展造成的危害性。
The economic reforms in Latin American countries provide us with the following helpful enlightenments at least. First, under the circumstances of economic globalization, it is very difficult to achieve the desired desired results in the liberalization of the market liberalization without the support of corresponding and flexible macroeconomic policies. Second, how to handle the relationship between the government and the market, the central government (the federal government) and the local government during the process of transforming the functions of the government? How to deal with the problems of economic growth, job creation and government functions? The distribution of income inequality caused by the distribution of the increase, reducing the impact of economic reforms on society, maintaining a country’s political, economic and social stability is essential. Third, we must attach importance to agricultural development. Taking Mexico as an example, I elaborate on the government’s neglect of the harm caused by the development of agriculture in the reform process.