Secondary hyperparathyroidism associated with multiple brown tumor:a case report

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aa284636706
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Brown tumour represents a serious complication of hyperparathyroidism.Definitive diagnosis is based on histological examination,clinical,radiological and laboratory data.Here we report a case of multiple brown tumours localised in collarbone,rib and in the distal ulna due to secondary hyperparathyroidism in a 37-year-old women with chronic renal failure.The clinical management of brown tumour aimed primarily to reduce the elevated parathyroid hormone levels by pharmacological treatment.In our experience,clinicians usually consider brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism is caused by giant cell lesions in maintenance hemodialysis recipients,and multiple brown tumours are rarely seen in these patients. Brown tumor represents a serious complication of hyperparathyroidism. Clinical diagnosis of radiological and laboratory data. Here we report a case of multiple brown circles localized in collarbone, rib and in the distal ulna due to secondary hyperparathyroidism in a 37 -year-old women with chronic renal failure. The clinical management of brown tumor of primarily to reduce the elevated parathyroid hormone levels by pharmacological treatment. In our experience, clinicians often consider brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism is caused by giant cell lesions in maintenance hemodialysis recipients , and multiple brown tumors are rarely seen in these patients.
万仙山景区位于河南省新乡辉县市西北部太行山腹地,由中华影视村——郭亮、清幽山乡——南坪、人间仙境——罗姐寨三个分景区组成,总面积64平方公里,最高海拔1672米, Wanxia
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