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《剑三今何在?》是陈毅同志悼念王统照先生诗作的题目。剑三是王统照先生的字,他是我的同乡——山东诸城县人,住相州镇,距我们村庄60里。剑三出身于封建地主家庭,时代激流,学校教育,使他走上了反帝反封建的道路。五四运动时,他在北京中国大学读书,参加过火烧赵家楼、痛打卖国贼的爱国运动。他爱好新文艺,成为有名的小说家、诗人。他热心提倡为人生的新文艺,和茅盾、叶圣陶、郑振铎诸先生发起成立进步文艺团体——文学研究会,还介绍陈毅同志入会。他和茅盾,叶圣陶、郑振铎 “What is Sword III?” Is the title of Comrade Chen Yi’s mourning for Mr. Wang Tongzhao’s poems. Sword three is the words of Mr. Wang Tongzhao, he is my fellow - Zhucheng County, Shandong, live in Xiangzhou town, 60 miles away from our village. Sword three came from the feudal landlord family, raging times, school education, so that he embarked on the path of anti-imperialism and anti-feudal. During the May 4th Movement, he studied at the Chinese University of Beijing and participated in the patriotic movement that burned Zhao Jialou and beat the traitors. He loves new literature and art and becomes a famous novelist and poet. He enthusiastically advocated the new literature and art for life, and Mao Dun, Ye Shengtao, Zheng Zhenduo Zhu initiated the establishment of a progressive literature and art groups - Literature Research Association, Comrade Chen Yi also introduced membership. He and Mao Dun, Ye Shengtao, Zheng Zhenduo
没有比世博更好的平台,让我们看到那么多的不同和那么多的共通。  “Better City Better Life”无论对西方发达国家还是正处于城市化进程最迅猛的发展中国家,抑或是城市梦刚刚开始的落后国家而言,都是一个需要深思的命题。  行走于庞大的世博园,犹如置身一个小世界。我们上一刻在丹麦馆和童话中经典的美人鱼相遇,下一刻却又在匈牙利馆里看着Gomboc,体验它和我们中国古典哲学共通的“和谐”理