混合型性腺发育不良(mixed gonadaldysgenesis)是指患者的一侧性腺为索条状性腺,另一侧性腺为睾丸或性母细胞瘤[1]。这类两性畸形临床较少见,我院收治2例,报告如下。 [例1]20岁,以男性先天性尿道下裂住院。无血尿史,父母非近亲婚配,家族中无类似病症。检查:身高150cm,体重50kg、智力发育正常;皮肤细白,皮下脂肪较丰富;五官端正,无胡须,喉节低平;双侧乳房稍大、胸廓无畸形、心肺无异常;腋毛少、阴毛呈女性型分布、阴茎短小且下曲畸形、尿道开口于阴茎阴囊交界处;右侧阴囊似大
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis (mixed gonadaldysgenesis) refers to the side of the patient gland stripe gonads, the other side of the gonads testicular or blastomyma [1]. Such clinics are rare genital hernia, admitted to our hospital in 2 cases, the report is as follows. [Example 1] 20-year-old man with congenital hypospadias hospitalization. No history of hematuria, parents non-relatives marriage, no similar family disease. Check: height 150cm, weight 50kg, normal mental development; skin whitish, subcutaneous fat is more abundant; facial features is correct, bearded, throat low level; bilateral breast slightly larger, no deformity of the chest, no abnormal heart and lung; Was a female-type distribution, short penis and deformity, urethra opening in the penis scrotum junction; right scrotum is large