
来源 :福建法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fine_yhy
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WTO 对其成员的司法制度提出了很高的要求。中国已加入 WTO,对照 WTO 中与司法有关的规则制度,我国司法制度尚存在明显差距。司法改革作为中国政治体制改革及法治化进程的重要组成部分,必然受到 WTO 的深远影响。面对 WTO 给我国司法制度带来的冲击,如何适应 WTO 所确立的司法制度,利用和遵循 WTO 规则,立足国情,使中国的司法改 The WTO sets very high demands on the judicial system of its members. China has acceded to the WTO. In contrast with the system of rules and regulations related to the judiciary in the WTO, there is still a clear gap in our judicial system. Judicial reform, as an important part of the process of political system reform and legalization in China, is inevitably subject to the far-reaching impact of the WTO. In the face of the impact of WTO on our country’s judicial system, how to adapt to the judicial system established by WTO, make use of and follow WTO rules, based on national conditions, make China’s judicial reform
老公要出差一个月,我听了很是不舍,自结婚以来,我们这还是第一次分开。   没想到的是,等老公一走,面对着空荡荡的家,我竟有些手足无措,不知道该干嘛。每天除了上班外,剩下大把的时间不知道该怎么办才好,我不禁委屈地给老公打电话,告诉他我一个人看韩剧都没意思。老公答应我早点回,因此更没时间总给我打电话,我只能给朋友们打电话聊天,这种情况持续了一周,闺蜜实在忍不住对我说:“你得学会一个人生活。”