以抗洪精神为动力 打好保规划大决战

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在夺取了’98特大抗洪全面胜利之后,省委、省政府又发出总动员,号召各级各部门发扬抗洪精神,横下一条心,抢时间,赶进度,以超常规的工作举措,全面完成今年“两高三超”的各项任务今年的特大洪灾给人民的生命财产造成了惨重损失,消耗了巨大的人力、物力、财力,严重影响了工农业生产,面对严重的困难,严峻的形势,我们没有别的选择,只有像抗洪抢险那样,万众一心,背水一战,顽强拼搏,把灾害造成的损失夺回来,坚持实现“两高三超”目标不动摇。要深刻认识到保规划、保发展是解决当前诸多问题,尤其是确保灾区重建的紧迫需要;是全面完成“九五”计划,实现湖北振兴崛起的根本要求;是为保全国大局作贡献的政治任务。实现今年目标尽管难度很大,但有利条件也很多。从全国看,一是国家扩大内需的力度加大,二是中央财政、金融部门支持了我省部 After capturing the overall victory of the ’98 Great Flood Control Campaign, the provincial party committee and government also sent a general mobilization call on all departments and departments at all levels to carry forward the spirit of fighting floods, make a concerted effort to rush ahead with time and catch up with the extraordinary work efforts to fully accomplish this year The tasks of “two junior highs and three ultras” have caused heavy losses to people’s lives and property and caused huge losses of human and material resources and financial resources. This has seriously affected industrial and agricultural production. In the face of serious difficulties and harsh conditions We have no other choice but to fight for the loss of lives caused by disasters and to uphold the goal of “surpassing the ranks, surpassing the two standards,” as the flood and rescue work. We must profoundly understand that ensuring planning and safeguarding development is a solution to many immediate problems, in particular the urgent need to ensure the reconstruction of the affected areas. It is the fundamental requirement for the full implementation of the ’95 ’plan to realize the revitalization of Hubei and its contribution to the overall situation of maintaining the country. Political mission. Although difficult to achieve this year’s goal, but there are many favorable conditions. From a national perspective, one is that China’s efforts to expand domestic demand are intensified. The other is that the central finance and financial departments support the efforts of the provincial government
进行了6-o-三苯甲基-a-甲基-d-葡萄吡喃甙(TMGP,I)在 THF-水和在 DMF-水中的高碘酸盐氧化反应。以亚砷酸钠滴定跟踪的高碘酸盐消耗-时间曲线表明,氧化明显地比在水中缓慢,消