
来源 :健康女性 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sansancaicai
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目的:探讨放疗患者在进行同期化疗的肿瘤患者末端瓣膜式高压注射型经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管时的安全性.方法:将2017年12月至2020年3月作为研究时段,将该时段我院数据库内资料登记有效的肿瘤患者60名作为研究对象,所有患者在接受治疗时均选择化疗方案,在治疗期间患者需留置末端瓣膜式高压注射型经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管;对所有患者进行随机两组均分,单组内设置30名患者,按照实验习惯记录为对照组与实验组.对照组采用耐高压注射型PICC实验组患者应用末端瓣膜式高压注射型经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管.记录两组不良反“,”Objective:To investigate the safety of terminal valvular high-pressure injection of central venous catheter through peripheral vein in tumor patients undergoing concurrent chemotherapy.Methods:the period from December 2017 to March 2020 was taken as the study period,and 60 tumor patients with effective data registered in the database of our hospital during this period were taken as the study objects.All patients chose the chemotherapy scheme when receiving treatment.During the treatment period,patients need to indwelling the terminal valve type high-pressure injection type and place the central venous catheter through the peripheral vein;All patients were randomly divided into two groups.30 patients were set in a single group and recorded as control group and experimental group according to experimental habits.The control group was treated with high-pressure injection type PICC,and the experimental group was treated with terminal valve high-pressure injection type central venous catheter through peripheral vein.The adverse reactions of the two groups were recorded.Results:in the experimental results,two groups of patients had different degrees of adverse reactions,and the incidence rate of the experimental group was significantly lower than that of the control group.The difference between the 0.05 groups was significant(P < 0.05).Conclusion:the selection of terminal valve type high-pressure injection and placement of central venous catheter through peripheral vein can help to reduce the incidence of complications and reduce the workload of nursing staff.
肉鸡的生长速度快,饲养周期短,饲料报酬较高,但对鸡舍的环境也要求的十分严格.所以,一定要为鸡群创造一个适宜的生存环境,才能促进肉鸡的快速健康生长,减少各种疾病,获得理想的养殖经济收益.rn1 鸡舍温度的控制措施rn1.1温度对肉坞的影响温度是保证肉鸡正常健康生长发育的重要条件之一,在环境因素中占第一位,因为它与肉鸡的采食、饮水、运动、体温调节及抵抗疾病的能力息息相关,不可或缺.比如刚出生的雏鸡,其调节自身体温及御寒能力十分薄弱,必须有温度适宜的生存环境.因而,刚出生的雏鸡对外部环境温度的感应是十分敏感的.
西瓜\'苏创5号\'是以G21为母本,G12为父本配制成的中果型一代杂交种.早熟,易坐果.植株生长势较强.主蔓第1雌花节位第7~8节.果实圆形,果皮绿色,覆墨绿色锐齿条带,果皮厚1.1cm,果皮较硬,耐裂、耐贮运.平均单瓜质量5.1 kg,果肉红色,中心折光糖含量11.5%左右,全生育期115d,果实发育期33d.产量42000~66000 kg·hm2.全国大部分地区均可栽培.