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【设计理念】新课程指出“儿童的生活是课程的基础”。教师要关注学生的现实生活,树立“教学即生活”和“生活即教学”的观念。因此,本节课根据学生的生活实际来调整教材,紧紧围绕“关爱”这一主题,按照“爱的呼唤——爱的感受——爱的体验——爱的回报”四个步骤来层层深入展开教学。引导学生用心去感受、体验家人对自己真诚的爱和所付出的艰辛,并懂得用自己的实际行动去回报家人。【主题目标】1.情感目标。 Design Concept The new curriculum states that “children's life is the foundation of the curriculum.” Teachers should pay attention to students' real life and establish the concept of “teaching is life” and “life is teaching”. Therefore, this lesson is based on the actual life of students to adjust the textbook, closely around the theme of love, in accordance with the call of love - the feeling of love - the experience of love - the return of love Steps to layers of further education. Guide students to feel hard to experience, to experience the true love of their families and their hardships, and know how to use their own deeds to return to their families. [Theme] 1. Emotional goals.
目的为了从分子水平探讨孕妇感染戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)后胎儿宫内感染和死亡原因。方法对17例患重症戊型肝炎的孕妇和娩出的18例新生儿,以酶联免疫吸附法测母血和脐带血抗-HEV IgM/IgG,同时查新生儿肝组织病理改变,免疫组化法查肝内戊型肝炎病毒抗原(HEVAg),用地戈辛(DIG)探针标记HEVcDNA 23 qbp片段进行原位杂交查肝内HEVRNA。结果母血抗-HEV、IgM/IgG均阳性,脐