南充市顺庆区是四川省历史文化名城,西南地区重要的交通枢 纽,川东北地区重要的科教文化中心,经济综合实力在全省丘陵县 (市)区中列第8位,2004年国民生产总值达68.84亿元。 近年来,按照中央纪委的工作部署,区委认真坚持标本兼治、 综合治理、惩防并举、注重预防的方针,切实加强党风廉政建设和 反腐败工作,努力提高党的执政能力,巩固党的执政地位。落实党
Shunqing District of Nanchong City is a historical and cultural city of Sichuan Province, an important transport hub in the southwest region, an important science and education center in northeastern Sichuan. Its comprehensive economic strength ranks No. 8 in the hilly county (city) district in the province. In 2004, The total value of 6.884 billion yuan. In recent years, in accordance with the work plan of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Party committee of the CPC Central Committee has conscientiously adhered to the principle of treating both the symptoms and the root cause, comprehensively treated, punished and guard against each other, paid attention to the principle of prevention, earnestly strengthened the work style of building a clean government and anti-corruption, worked hard to improve the party’s ability to govern, Ruling position. Implement the party