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对艺术美感有着敏锐的嗅觉,似乎是画家赵龙骧先生自小的天赋异禀。赵龙骧1937年出生于东南沿海长江之畔,为江苏泰州人。出身书香门第的他,从童年时期就一直熏陶在诸多家族藏书中。还不识字时,就爱听家人朗读一个个历史故事,亦似懂非懂地聆听着对古文的解读。以及英文原版文学中故事的译诵。而最吸引他的,当属书中一幅幅精美的图画。家族中,父亲以及长辈都擅书擅画,同时还常聆听到家中留声机内传出的美妙悦耳京剧与西洋音乐的声音。长年在翰墨书香 Aesthetic sensation of art has a keen sense of smell, it seems that the painter Mr. Zhao Longxuan childhood innate talent. Zhao Long 骧 was born in 1937 in the southeast coast of the Yangtze River, Jiangsu Taizhou people. He came from a scholarly family, has been nurtured in many family books since childhood. Not literate, they love to read a family history story, but also understands and understands the interpretation of ancient prose. As well as the translation of the story in English original literature. The most attractive to him, undoubtedly an exquisite book in the picture. In the family, both father and elder are good at painting and calligraphy, and at the same time they often hear the melodious Peking Opera and Western music voiced inside the phonograph at home. For many years in his study