
来源 :档案学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinhao03
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随着新技术革命的兴起,档案和档案工作都在发生着深刻的变化。一方面,反映新的科学技术知识的档案大量出现;另一方面,档案部门也必将用现代科学技术装备起来。只有这样,档案工作才能适应社会主义现代化建设发展的需要。1982年7月,中央领导同志就档案缩微工作作了指示,强调档案缩微关系到我国文化遗产的保存,意义很大,希望从速进行。国家档案局也提出希望:在1990年以前,一些有条件的省(区、市)档案馆可以逐步建立起比较完整的、具有一定加工能力的缩微系统,有计划、有步骤地对本馆档案进行缩微复制。目前,在中央及省(市)档案馆已经有了一定的缩微器材及技术人员,缩微技术的应用在我国档案部门正在逐步展开。档案缩微化是档案事业发展史上的一次深刻变革。其深刻性不仅表现在档案载体的变更,还将改变传统的管理与利用方式,并将促进档案学基本理论的丰富和发展。因此,研究 With the rise of the new technological revolution, profound changes have taken place in the work on archives and archives. On the one hand, a large number of archives reflect new scientific and technological knowledge; on the other hand, archival departments are bound to be equipped with modern science and technology. Only in this way can archival work meet the needs of the socialist modernization and development. In July 1982, the central leading comrades gave instructions on archives microfilming, stressing that archivision has a bearing on the preservation of our cultural heritage. It is of great significance and hopefully carried out as soon as possible. The State Archives Bureau also expressed the hope that before 1990, archives of some qualified provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) could gradually establish comparatively complete microfilm systems with certain processing capabilities and systematically and systematically archive the archives of local libraries Microform replication. At present, certain microformats and technicians have already been set up in the archives of the central and provincial (city) departments. The application of microfilming technology is gradually being carried out in the archives departments of our country. File miniaturization is a profound change in the history of archives development. Its profoundness is not only reflected in the change of file carrier, but also will change the traditional way of management and utilization, and will promote the enrichment and development of the basic theory of archives. So, research
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8月7日,经武汉市劳动局批准.武汉市各机关、团体、企业事业单位的档案管理人员从8月份起享受保健食品补贴待遇。 由于档案人员在门窗经常封闭,常年施放灭虫、杀菌,消毒化学
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