我厂在生产7000系列单列圆锥滚子轴承和3600系列双列向心球面滚子轴承时,开始遇到许多困难,特别是加工内圈的工序多,生产周期长,经常影响生产任务的完成。 这两种轴承内圈的车加工,过去都是采用单刀分散工序进行,生产效率很低。 我们遵照伟大领袖毛主席关于“一个正确的认识,往往需要经过由物质到精神,由精神到物质,即由实践到认识,由认识到实践这样多次的反复,才能够完成”的教导,对于车削加工中的矛盾,我们采用多刀合并
I plant in the production of 7000 series single row tapered roller bearings and 3600 series double row radial spherical roller bearings, began to encounter many difficulties, especially the processing of inner ring and more processes, long production cycle, often affect the completion of production tasks. The two inner bearing inner ring machining, the past are used single-pole dispersion process, the production efficiency is very low. We follow the teachings of Chairman Mao, the great leader, that "a correct understanding often requires going through materialism to spirituality, from spirituality to materialism, that is, from practice to understanding, and from realization to repetition of practice so many times that it can be completed. Contradictions in turning, we use multi-knife merger