每当我在集邮册中陶醉于那绚丽多彩,充满异国风情的方寸之间时,仿佛又置身于非洲,回到了与黑人朋友们朝夕相处的岁月。 那是1988年12月在达累斯萨拉姆的一天,当我得知晚上将在库拉西尼中国铁路专家组大院举行盛大晚会时,非常兴奋,晚会是为欢送即将离任的专家组组长张志英同志(原北京局局长)和欢迎新任组长丰长春同志(原郑州局局长)而召开的,除了坦赞铁路局各部门首席官员应邀参加外,还有不少外国朋友
Whenever I was intoxicated with the colorful and exotic dimensions in the album, I felt as if I was living in Africa and returned to the days when I was with my black friends. It was a day in December 1988 in Dar es Salaam and I was very excited when I learned that I was going to hold a gala evening at the Curacini Chinese Railway Specialist Group Compound in the evening for the farewell to outgoing experts Comrade Zhang Zhiying (former director of Beijing Bureau), leader of the group, and Comrade Feng Changchun (former director of Zhengzhou Bureau), who welcomed the new leader of the group, were invited to attend. In addition to being invited to attend by the chief officers of various departments of the Tanza Railway Bureau, many foreign friends