本文利用高速摄像运动分析技术对竖直放置的微纳复合结构表面热沉中的汽泡动力学行为进行了可视化实验研究.本文对微纳复合结构热沉表面的汽泡生长过程进行了描述;得到了纳米涂层的厚度变化对汽泡生长当量直径和生命周期的影响的实验结果.实验结果表明:随着微纳复合结构表面的纳米层厚度增加,汽泡生命周期缩短,汽泡的三个生长阶段之间的界限逐渐不明显,汽泡破裂时的汽泡当量直径减小.“,”Using high-speed photography and movement analyzation technology,a visual study on bubble dynamic behavior on vertical surfaces with micro-nano composite structures is conductedin this paper.Growth process of bubbles on these surfaces with composite structures is described in this paper.Effect of the thickness of nano-coating on the equivalent diameter and lifetime of bubble is concluded.Experimental results show that with the increase of thickness of nanocoating,lifetime of bubble becomes shorter,boundaries during three growth stages of bubble are more and more indistinct and equivalent diameter becomes smaller when bubble bursts.