High School mathematics teaching and learning Welcome to subscribe mailing code: 28-151 Price: 4.30 yuan / Post code: 28-425 (teaching and research version) Price: 4.30 yuan / The junior high school math teaching and learning postal code: 28-152 Pricing Price: 3.90 yuan / The Welcome Submission The journal is a journals in Jiangsu Province, China Journal Net source journals, by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of education, sponsored by Yangzhou University, Founded in 1992, is all kinds of secondary schools at all levels of mathematics education teaching professional journals. The Journal of colleges and universities to play a professional advantage, always adhere to “service education, teaching, scientific research ” in the direction and “use of the theory of education, learn the problem-solving skills, ” draft philosophy, Mathematics teaching and learning "as the characteristics, closely linked to the reality of mathematics teaching in secondary schools, closely follow the trend of the reform of mathematics curriculum, follow the entrance exam, hot topic in the test, a timely reflection of the significant progress in the field of math education in secondary schools, with strong practicality, Reading and information.