中国铁路为了增强竞争能力,1997年4月首次在京哈、京沪、京广三大干线上进行了规模性提速,推出了准高速列车Z系列、快速列在K系列、旅游列车Y系列、以及夕发朝至列车等运输新产品,受到旅客的欢迎,制止了近年来铁路旅客运输下滑的趋势。 1998年铁道部在总结1997年首次调图提速经验的基础上,又决策进行了第二次大规模提速。这不仅是铁路自身能力能够做到的,也是面对挑战,必须做到的。如今在京广、京沪、京哈三大干线的提速区
In order to enhance its competitiveness, China Railway carried out large-scale speedup on the three main lines of Beijing-Harbin, Beijing-Shanghai and Beijing-Guangzhou in April 1997 and introduced Z series of quasi-high speed trains, K series and Y series of traveling trains, and From the evening to the train and other transport of new products, by the passengers, to stop the railway passenger transport in recent years, the downward trend. In 1998, on the basis of summing up the experience of the first speed-up in 1997, the Ministry of Railways decided to conduct the second large-scale speed-up. This is not only the ability of the railway itself to do it, but it must also be done in the face of challenges. Now in Beijing Guang, Beijing and Shanghai, Beijing Kazakhstan three main lines of speed