多年以前曾见上舟君所作工地上的水泥搅拌机组画:扭曲拗突、斑驳苍劲——那般粗砺使人不由感叹生命的艰涩与顽强。相处日久,看到的作品多起来,他画风景、画花草、画人物——终然觉得是在画人,画人的心境。 上舟年轻而敏慧,印象中他宁肯忙着而不愿闲处,大抵属于遇事辄生感慨常要追问意义的那一类人。从不同时段的作品中可以见到他的感受和视角的持续变
Many years ago I saw the painting on the cement mixing plant on the site made by Zhou Jun: distorted bending and vigorous motility - so rough that people could not help but lament the hardship and tenacity of life. As time passes by, he sees more works coming out. He draws landscapes, draws flowers and plants and draws characters - and he finally feels that he is drawing and drawing people’s minds. The young and sensitive boat, the impression he would rather be busy rather than leisure, probably belong to the sense of confusion often ask what kind of person. From different periods of work can see his feelings and perspective of continuous change