
来源 :中国计量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yishu888
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文化在社会发展中具有重要作用。推进文化建设,是当前面临的重要任务。鉴于科学精神在当代社会中所具有的重要作用,文化建设不能不特别关注科学文化。计量是支撑科学技术的基础和引领科学技术发展的重要因素,没有计量,就没有科学,从这个意义上说,科学文化的核心离不开计量精神。从国家文化建设的大局来看,弘扬计量文化的重要性,无论如何强调,都不会过分。没有历史积淀的文化是浅薄的,没有根的。要对计量文化有所了解,首先要对计量历史文化有所知晓,这就要对计量的产生作些探讨。过去有种说法,计量产生于交换行为,原始先民在生产力有了一定发展,物品有了初步积累以后,不可避免要互通有无,这就产生了交换行为。 Culture plays an important role in social development. To promote cultural construction is an important task currently facing us. In view of the important role of the scientific spirit in contemporary society, culture can not but pay special attention to science and culture. Metrology is the basis for supporting science and technology and leading the development of science and technology an important factor, there is no measurement, there is no science, in this sense, the core of science and culture can not be separated from the spirit of measurement. From the overall situation of national cultural construction, the importance of carrying forward the measurement culture can not be overemphasized anyway. There is no history of the culture is shallow, there is no root. To understand the measurement of culture, we must first know something about the measurement of history and culture, which should make some discussion on the measurement. In the past, there was a saying that the measurement was based on the exchange behavior. The original ancestors had some development in productivity, and after the initial accumulation of the goods, they inevitably had to communicate with each other. This created exchange behavior.
2000年1月里的一天,随着黑龙江省汤原县镇郊外的一声正义的枪声,一个罪恶的灵魂结束了他的生命。 此时此刻,黑龙江省佳木斯市公安交警支队向阳大队的干警郑子荣正默默地站在
对象及方法: 本组年龄最小3月,最大12岁。男25名,女18名。43例患儿均是以喘息、气促为辜症,胸片为支气管炎改变的下呼吸道感染。25例应用病毒唑治疗以每日10~15mg/kg加入10%G·
危重的非甲状腺疾病(NTI)可以引起甲状腺激素变化,本文观察30例危重患儿治疗前后甲状腺激素的变化,并探讨有关机制和临床意义。 Critical non-thyroid disease (NTI) can c
我院儿科和肾病科于1986年4月至1992年4月间,对15岁以下肾脏疾病小儿进行 B 超引导下经皮肾活检208例,其中4例作了肾活检复查,现将其临床类型及病理结果报告如下。(一)一般
进入新世纪,白山市面临资源、环境和市场的三重压力,他们制定了长白山生态经济发展战略:生态立市、科教兴市、特色富市,建设长白山生态经济强市。 In the new century, Bais