“Grandchildren,” also known as the “Art of War,” was written by Sun Wu, a famous military strategist in the Spring and Autumn Period. In modern times, the book “Sun Tzu” spread abroad, and there are already translations of various languages of Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Russia and Czech Republic. Some people think that ancient Chinese inventions such as gunpowder, compass and printing promoted the modern civilization in the world as “hard science,” they could not destroy feudal separatism without gunpowder and would not have modern bourgeois centralized power. Without a compass, they could not When the New World was discovered, no modern culture could be disseminated without typography. The Art of War was a more universal one and influenced the world in the form of “soft science.” Now Japan and the United States are seeing an upsurge in the study of the “Art of War,” which runs through the principles of the “Art of War” to various industries. Japanese entrepreneurs Bridge Takefu