近年,国内外文坛上关于现代主义文学的讨论比较多,意见也很不相同。显然,只有不断地交换意见,才能对这一问题得出比较正确的认识。这里发表苏联文学批评家德·扎东斯基的《什么是现代主义?》一文,供我国对现代主义文学有兴趣的读者参考。德·弗·扎东斯基(1922—)出生于一个革命者家庭,本人参加过苏联人民反法西斯战争,1950年毕业于基辅大学,1957年开始发表文章,1967年以论文《现代西方长篇小说的理论和历史诸问题》获博士学位,1967年起为乌克兰科学院通讯院士,他是国际文学批评家联合会会员,1976年起是国际比较文学联合会副主席。扎东斯基专门研究当代西方文学,特别是现实主义和现代主义的斗争问题,长篇小说发展的道路问题,以及卡夫卡的创作的矛盾等问题。著有《二十世纪》(1961) 、《弗兰茨·卡夫卡和现代主义问题》(1965)、《长篇小说艺术和二十世纪》(1973)、《艺术的镜子》(1975)、《在我们的时代》(1979)等书。本文译自苏联作家出版社1979年出版的《在我们的时代》一书中的一节。——编者
In recent years, there has been more discussion and discussion of modernist literature in literary circles at home and abroad. Obviously, only a constant exchange of views can we arrive at a more correct understanding of this issue. The article “What is Modernism?” Published by Soviet literary critic Dezharsky here is a reference for our readers who are interested in modernist literature. Dever Zadzski (1922-) was born in a family of revolutionaries. I participated in the anti-fascist war of the Soviet people. I graduated from Kiev University in 1950 and began to publish articles in 1957. In 1967, I wrote an essay “Modern Western Novels Theoretical and historical issues ”received a doctorate, from 1967 as a member of the Communications Academy of Ukraine Academy of Sciences, he is a member of the International Federation of Literary Critics, 1976 International Federation of Literary Federation vice chairman. Zadzski specializes in the study of contemporary Western literature, in particular the struggle between realism and modernism, the road to the development of novels, and the contradiction between Kafka’s writing and other issues. He is the author of The Twentieth Century (1961), Franz Kafka and Modernism (1965), Novel Art and the Twentieth Century (1973), The Mirror of Art (1975) In Our Times (1979) and others. This article is from the section entitled “In Our Times”, published by the Soviet Union Writers Publishing House in 1979. --editor