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当前报刊上经常出现一些新的科技术语,很难令人一看就懂其意。如搜索引擎,依照汉语环境的解释,应是寻找发动机之意。其实不然,它是源自Search engine拼译而成的。查一下辞典,Search是搜索,engine是引擎,就简单地一拼,托出了搜索引擎。又如工作站也一样,将原文的work station,查一下辞典,work是工作,station是站,拼合而译为工作站。这种翻译取名的做法符合初学英语的人所为,但很难使一般读者和局外人见其词懂其意。 There are often some new scientific and technological terminology in the press. It is difficult to understand the meaning of it. Such as search engines, according to the interpretation of the Chinese environment, should be looking for the meaning of the engine. In actual fact, it is derived from the Search engine. Check the dictionary, search is search, engine is the engine, simply fight, put up the search engine. Another example is the workstation, the original work station, check the dictionary, work is a work, station is a station, put together and translated into a workstation. This method of name translation is suitable for beginners, but it is difficult for ordinary readers and outsiders to understand their meaning.
“There is a little more in the bottle, My Lord, if you are still hungry.” “Later,” said a second voice, This too belonged to a man—but it was strangely hi
广西恭城瑶族自治县有个红岩村,这里的果农都把摘下来的柿子捂在手里迟迟不出售。价钱好了我们就卖鲜果,如鲜果的价钱和柿饼的价钱差不多,就全部晒柿饼。新鲜的柿子,在他们的手里摇身一变就多卖了几倍的钱。  距离红岩村只有几公里的莲花镇交易市场是恭城月柿最早的交易市场之一,每到月柿成熟的时候,南来北往的客商都会云集在这里。几年前,红岩村的村民都是拉着柿子跑到这里叫卖,但因为品种单一,上市的时间也相对集中,精
百万在校的孩子们同时起跳,跳跃持续一分钟,地球会发生什么变化?这是一个创意新颖的英国科技节的开幕活动之一。他们称这项游戏性质的活动为Giant Jump! 文章的结尾写得非常精
When my daughter Julie was six years old, she wrote a letter to the tooth fairy and put it under her pillow with her tooth. I wrote back, telling her to be a g
During the 1930s, the young German photographer Eva Siao met Chinese poet Siao San and fell in love. Sixty years later, she held an exhibition of her photograp