油松球果螟属鳞翅目、螟蛾科。是哲盟地区松树的重要害虫之一。除危害油松外,还危害樟子松和赤松。油松球果螟幼虫不仅危害当年或二年生球果,而且还严重危害一年生幼树的主梢和侧梢,使树冠呈丛生状态。严重时,对植株的生长、发育都会造成严重威胁。尤其是主梢受害,会造成主干弯曲,降低木材工艺价值。一、形态特征: 成虫:触角丝状,有一对较大的复眼,体长10~13.5毫米,翅展19.5~28.0毫米,雄蛾比雌蛾略小,前翅近三角形,赤褐色,翅基部
Pine cone borer Lepidoptera, Pyralidae family. It is one of the important pests of the pine tree in the Zhe-Meng area. In addition to endanger pine trees, but also endanger Pinus sylvestris and Pinus sylvestris. Pine cone borer larvae not only endanger the year or two years of conidia, but also seriously endanger the annual shoots of young trees and lateral shoots, the crown was clustered. In severe cases, plant growth and development will pose a serious threat. In particular, the main shoot victims, will result in trunk bending, reducing the value of wood craft. First, the morphological characteristics: Adult: antennae filamentous, a pair of larger compound eyes, body length 10 ~ 13.5 mm, wingspan 19.5 ~ 28.0 mm, male moths slightly smaller than female moths, forewing nearly triangular, auburn, fin base