何兆武教授在《历史理性批判散论》(湖南教育版)的自序中感慨良深地说:“今天看来,史家四长之中终究须以史德为第一要义,史识次之,才、学又次之。杨超的英年早逝,不禁使我悲伤之余别有感触:社会进步的规则本来应是择优汰劣,但有的时候历史的现实却反其道而行之,把它最优秀的分子淘汰掉了。” 何先生的文章真好!这篇自序更是我近年来读到的最惊心动魄的史学文章,反复讽诵,低徊不已。据先生介绍,杨超是“侯(外庐)门请青”中“极有才华而又品德高尚”的大才子。特别可贵的是,“在举世滔滔一片咆哮着的人海声中,他仍然尊严地不肯放弃自己的高贵与洁白,最后不惜演出一幕屈原式的悲剧,以身殉之。”而这类一家一姓的不幸,实质上深深地蕴含着全
Professor He Zhaowu sighs deeply in the preface of “The Discrimination of History Rational Criticism” (Hunan Education Edition): “Today it seems that after all the four years of history, we must take virtue as the top priority, history knowledge second only , Learn again.Yang Chao’s premature death, can not help but make me sad not touch: the rules of social progress should have been the preferential treatment of inferior, but sometimes the reality of history but the opposite, The best of its elements out. ”Mr Ho’s article is good! This preface is my most soul-stirring historical article read in recent years, repeatedly recited, low endless. According to Mr. introduction, Yang Chao is a “genius” in “Hou (outside house) door please green” in “very talented and noble moral character.” What is particularly valuable is that “in the sea of roaring crowds all over the world, he still dignifiedly refused to give up his nobleness and whiteness, and did not hesitate to perform the original tragic tragedies.” Such a family The unfortunity of a surname, in essence, deeply contains the whole