三毛和琼瑶是两位充满爱心的女作家。三毛的爱心使她背负了沉重的责任感和使命感 ,她是为人生的。她对卑微人物感同身受的同情加上独特的表现手法 ,使得她笔下那些离读者遥远的人事显得很真实。琼瑶的爱心使她对展示人性的“情”字宠爱有加 ,然而她过分相信了宽恕与爱情的神奇力量 ,故其故事往往走向戏剧化 ,使取材于凡人均有的感情显得飘飘然不切实际。三毛的语言犀利、洒脱、极富内慑力与冲动感 ,琼瑶的语言优美、抒情 ,充满了诗情画意
San Mao and Qiong Yao are two caring female writers. San Mao’s love has brought her a heavy sense of responsibility and mission, she is for life. Her sympathetic sympathy with humble people and his unique expression of tact make her a real story of those who are far away from the reader. Qiong Yao’s love made her show more of the “love” of human nature. However, she was overly convinced of the magical power of forgiveness and love, so her story tended to be dramatized, making the feeling based on mortal seem unrealistic . San Mao sharp language, free and easy, very aggressive and impulsive, Qiong Yao’s beautiful language, lyrical, full of poetic