尊敬的李瑞贤团长; 我很荣幸地受安徽省茶业学会、安徽省茶叶进出口公司、安徽省海外联谊会、安徽农学院茶业系的委托,对以李瑞贤先生为团长、蔡荣章先生为副团长的台湾陆羽茶艺文化访问团全体成员表示热烈欢迎!访问团顾问陈文怀先生为这次活动从中安排,牵线搭桥,对此,深致谢意! 台湾陆羽茶艺文化访问团首次访问安徽,进行文艺表演,确是十分难得的好机会,今天我们在此可以通过参观代表团的茶艺表演,来学习、交流茶艺学术,增进友谊,为促进今后的交往开辟渠道,这次活动是很有意义的。台湾已把茶叶文化从栽培、创造,进入茶的品饮艺术,追求美感表现,这是继承了中华几千年来茶文化的遗产而加以光大发
Dear Li Ruixian; I am honored by the Anhui Tea Association, Anhui Tea Import and Export Company, Anhui Province Overseas Friendship Association, Anhui Agricultural College Department of tea commissioned by Mr. Li Ruixian as the head of Mr. Cai Rongzhang Deputy Head of the Taiwan Lu Yu tea culture delegation all members of the delegation warmly welcome! Advisory Panel Consultant Mr. Chen Wenhuai for this event from arrangement, matchmaking, to express my gratitude! Taiwan Lu Yu tea culture delegation visited Anhui for the first time, performing arts performances It is indeed a very rare opportunity. Today, we can make sense by visiting the tea ceremony of the delegation to learn and exchange tea art, promote friendship and open up channels for future exchanges. Taiwan has transformed its tea culture from cultivating, creating and entering into the art of drinking tea to pursue its aesthetic performance. This is the result of inheriting the heritage of China’s tea culture for thousands of years,