早在1928年,一个名叫弗来敏的英国细菌学家,在一次实验中偶然发现了一种青霉菌,它的代谢产物在低浓底下可抑制其它细菌的生长。弗来敏把青霉菌产生的代谢物命名为“盘尼西林”(青霉素),这就是世界上最早的抗生素。直到1941年,青霉素才开始用于人体。 半个世纪以来,抗生素在临床上广泛使用,发挥了强大的作用,它极其有效的控制了感染性疾病,减少了细菌感染,成千上万人的性命因此而得救。我国某医院一位心脏病病人手术后,出现绿脓杆菌感染,危及病人生命。医生用了抗生素氨卡那霉素和头孢呱酮,几天后病情
As early as 1928, an English bacteriologist named Flemalin accidentally discovered a Penicillium in an experiment whose metabolites inhibited the growth of other bacteria at low concentrations. Flemish names the metabolite produced by Penicillium as “penicillin” (penicillin), the world’s first antibiotic. Until 1941, penicillin began to be used in the human body. For over half a century, antibiotics have been widely used in clinical practice and have played a powerful role in controlling infectious diseases in an extremely effective manner, reducing bacterial infections and saving the lives of thousands of people. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection occurs in a patient with a heart disease in a hospital in China, endangering the patient’s life. The doctor used the antibiotics amikacin and cefazolin, a few days later the condition