British writer George Orwell, in his book Animal Farm and 1984, shows great fear of the future totalitarian society and deep concern over the fate of mankind being dictatorial, so Orwell’s novels Seems to always look to the future, predict the future. However, looking at Orwell’s world of novels, we can find that while showing great concern for the future of mankind in novels, he also shows his endless memory of nostalgia and beauty, that is, nostalgia. Orwell, with his own active construction of ecological utopia, the favor of narration of childhood memories and the nostalgia and longing for the pastoral world, completes his journey of nostalgia for literature and reflects the tradition of “nostalgia ” and “ ”Look back" national psychology. Nostalgia and forward-looking complement each other to accomplish Orwell’s political observation and historical review as a humanitarian writer. The study of nostalgia in Orwell’s novels helps to understand this great writer in a comprehensive and objective manner. The pulse of his time of conscience.