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世纪之交,贯彻军委新时期的战略方针,实现“两个根本性转变”,加快我军后勤的现代化建设,必须提高后勤的科技含量,变“人力密集型”为“技术密集型”,保证由“数量规模型”向“质量效能型”转变;必须实行三军联勤、专业融合、装备多能化,推进由“分散”到“集中”、由“分供”到“统供”的后勤保障体制改革;必须增强后勤的机动性、灵活性,建立适应高技术战争要求及各种后勤保障任务需要的后勤保障方式。 At the turn of the century, implementing the strategic guidelines of the Central Military Commission in the new era, realizing “two fundamental changes” and accelerating the modernization of our military’s logistics, we must increase the scientific and technological content of logistics and change “manpower-intensive” to “technology-intensive” guarantees. Change from “quantitative scale type” to “quality effect type”; it is necessary to implement the joint logistics service, professional integration, multi-functionalization of equipment, and promote the logistics from “dispersed” to “concentrated” and from “sub-supply” to “collective supply”. Safeguarding institutional reforms; We must increase the flexibility and flexibility of logistics, and establish logistics support methods that meet the requirements of high-tech warfare and various logistics support tasks.
有雪来  夜空突然矮了下来  窗外枯木一动不动  鸽子不飞,寒鸦成群立于树梢  世界仿佛一幅画  静谧又深沉  于是你知道,  雪正在赶来  于是你知道  我从未想念你  行尽江南,我没有爱过  你院中的枇杷,翠竹,一株早梅  没有爱过,你踏过的木桥  桥下的流水。水中之落花  一阵风吹过,雪忽然一片一片落  你知道,我没有爱过  被风吹乱的你的长头发  疏影  看到梅花的时候  江北的雪已落过几