从香蕉枯萎病植株周围健康香蕉植株的根部分离到一株对香蕉枯萎病菌(FOC4)具有明显拮抗作用的内生细菌,通过形态特征、基本生理、生化鉴定及16SrDNA序列同源比较,初步认定该菌株为甲基营养芽孢杆菌Bacillus methylotrophicus,命名为GKT08。GKT08能够明显抑制FOC4菌落的生长,抑制率为67.1%。盆栽试验表明,GKT08对香蕉枯萎病具有一定的防控作用,接种致病菌44d后的病情指数低于对照15.54%。GKT08能够明显促进香蕉植株的生长,处理60d后香蕉幼苗株高、假茎围和完全展开叶面积分别比对照增加了23.80%、23.36%和19.79%。
An endophytic bacterium with obvious antagonism to FOC4 was isolated from the roots of healthy banana plants around the banana wilt disease. According to the morphological characteristics, basic physiological and biochemical identification and 16S rDNA sequence homology comparison, The strain is Bacillus methylotrophicus, named GKT08. GKT08 can significantly inhibit the growth of FOC4 colonies, the inhibition rate was 67.1%. Pot experiments showed that GKT08 had a certain control effect on banana wilt disease, and the disease index of pathogenic bacteria 44 days after inoculation was 15.54% lower than that of the control. GKT08 could significantly promote the growth of banana plants. After 60 days of treatment, plant height, pseudostem circumference and fully expanded leaf area increased by 23.80%, 23.36% and 19.79%, respectively.