一 绀弩被誉为“奇才”、“鬼才”。按辞典解释,奇才,特出非凡之才;鬼才,才气怪谲之才。然而,奇,又有出人意外,变幻莫测之意;鬼,又有机智奇诡、莫测隐秘之意,其意有相通处。细揣誉绀弩为“奇才”、“鬼才”者,兼取两者之意。 综观绀弩的文章有三奇:一是杂文奇,二是旧诗奇,三是神话历史小说奇。早就为论者发现和首肯的前两奇,自不必说了,第三奇却被人们忽略了。所谓忽略,指对第三奇的整体而言,个别篇章如《韩康的药店》(1941年2月作于桂林)早已驰名文坛,不过,它是作为杂文杰作被人们所推重,窃以为当列入历史小说。绀弩在《历史的奥秘·题记》中说,“我写的文章实在太杂”,又把不同文体的文章汇编在一起,这就容易使他的“看家本领”杂文所享的盛名,把诸如神话历史题材小说的成就压倒了。不过,有识见的研究者,早就发现《韩康的药店》不同于常规杂文的体式和写法,通
A cyanobacteria known as “Wizards”, “devil.” According to the dictionary explained that the Wizards, extraordinary extraordinary talent; ghosts, talent weird only. However, odd, unexpected, unpredictable meaning; ghost, and wit strange, unpredictable hidden meaning, its meaning is similar. Exquisite reputation Nick Crossbows as “Wizards”, “devil” who, and take both meaning. A comprehensive review of Gan Nuo’s article has three oddities: one essay odd, the second is the old poem, the third is a myth novel fantastic novel. The first two surprises that have long been discovered and approved by the commentators need not be said. The third wonders are ignored by people. The so-called neglect refers to the third odd overall, individual chapters such as “Han Kang’s pharmacy” (in February 1941 in Guilin) already well-known literary circles, but it is as a masterpiece of the essay by the people being weighed, stolen thought Included in historical novels. Gan Nuo said in the “Mystery of History,” that “the article I wrote is really too complicated,” and the articles in different styles are compiled together, making it easy for him to enjoy the prestige enjoyed by his “housekeeping skills” essay, Overcome achievements such as mythical historical novels. However, well-informed researchers have long found that “Han Kang’s pharmacy” is different from the style and style of conventional essays