博通(Broadcom)公司日前宣布将推出用于连接家庭设备的新一代5G Wi-Fi单芯片解决方案(SoC),即BCM43569和BCM43602,以帮助OEM厂商生产出速度更快、覆盖范围更广以及带宽更高的产品,从而满足家庭中的高清视频播放、网络游戏以及其他高带宽应用需求。BCM43569配备了USB3.0接口的双频2x2 MIMO组合芯片,其先进的并行技术可以让智能电视同时接收Wi-Fi和蓝牙信号,从而提供卓越的性能。
Broadcom Announces Next-Generation 5G Wi-Fi SoCs for Home Device Connectivity, BCM43569 and BCM43602, to Enable OEMs to Produce Faster, Extended, and Wide Bandwidth Higher product to meet the needs of high-definition video playback in the home, online games and other high-bandwidth applications. BCM43569 Dual-band 2x2 MIMO combo chip with USB 3.0 interface with advanced parallel technology that enables smart TVs to receive both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals for superior performance.