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自20世纪80年代初全面恢复公证制度以来,我国公证机构坚持为改革开放服务,面对着较为广泛的社会需求,一度开创了公证工作前所未有的繁荣局面。随着市场经济的深入,公证制度的作用日益突出,对公证制度法制化、规范化的程度提出了越来越高的要求。但我 Since the full restoration of the notarization system in the early 1980s, the notarized office in our country has insisted on serving for reform and opening up and has faced an unprecedentedly prosperous situation in notarization work in the face of a wide range of social needs. With the deepening of market economy, notary system becomes more and more prominent, and the legalization and standardization of notary system have set higher and higher requirements. but I
摘要 《霓裳羽衣》简称《霓裳》,又名《霓裳羽衣歌》、《霓裳羽衣舞》、《霓裳羽衣曲》,是唐朝集诗歌、音乐和舞蹈完美融合于一体的艺术奇葩。然而,由于各种原因,这首舞曲没有很好的保留下来。白居易的长诗《霓裳羽衣歌·和微之》对此舞曲进行了详细的描述,是至今研究《霓裳羽衣》最为详实的资料,为《霓裳羽衣》的歌舞一体做出了巨大贡献。  关键词:《霓裳羽衣》 白居易 歌舞一体  一 大唐歌舞《霓裳羽衣》的盛与衰