年初,收看中央电视台 MTV 节目,有一首女声独唱曲给我以十分新鲜的感觉。时至今日,那歌声仍在耳际萦回。唱的是一首名为《知识就是力量》的歌。这歌的名字直点主题,我看“知识就是力量”这样主题的歌,在如今不说是绝无仅有,恐也是凤毛麟角,很是难得的了。进而打听,始知为了纪念在我国近现代出版事业中作出筚路蓝缕贡献的商务印书馆建立一百周年,特意创作了这首歌。庆祝一个出版社的功绩,想到写这么一首歌,多么有意义!这是颂歌:颂书,颂著书、编书、读书之人;这是赞歌:赞知识,赞传播知识、学习知识、运用知识、把知识转化为力量之人。此歌作曲者是姜延辉,他用朴实无华然而亲切委婉的音乐语言,表达出歌词
At the beginning of the year, watching a CCV MTV program and having a girl’s solo song gave me a very fresh feeling. Even today, the song still linger in the ears. Sing is a song called “knowledge is power” song. The name of this song straight to the point, I see “knowledge is strength ” the theme of the song, nowadays do not say is unique, fear is rare, it is rare. Then inquired, I learned that in order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Commercial Press which contributed a lot to the development of modern and contemporary publishing in our country, I specially wrote this song. To celebrate the merit of a publishing house, how meaningful it is to think of writing such a song! This is an ode to praise: a book of praise, a book of praise, a book of books, a book of study. This is a hymn: Praise, Praise, Knowledge, Use knowledge to transform knowledge into strength. This song composer is Jiang Yanhui, he uses the simple but intimate euphemism music language, express the lyrics