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江泽民同志指出:“加强社区建设,是新形势下坚持党的群众路线,做好群众工作和加强基层政权建设的重要内容。社区服务直接关系千家万户的利益,也是发展第三产业的重要方面,前景十分广阔”。目前看社区建设的发展不平衡。在一些地方,基层和群众对城市社区建设有“五盼”:一盼上级领导高度重视社区建设,二盼理顺城市社区建设的管理体制,三盼真正落实好对社区的有关扶持政策,四盼改善居委会工作和服务的设施条件,五盼社区建设对准群众需求多办实事。社区建设搞得如何,昭示一个城市的管理水平和文明程度,因此,搞好社区建设就是一项系统的“民心工程”。 Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: “Strengthening community building is an important part of upholding the mass line of the party under the new situation, doing mass work and strengthening the building of grass-roots political power.” Community service has an immediate bearing on the interests of thousands of families and is also an important aspect of the development of the tertiary industry , The prospect is very broad. “ At present, the development of community construction is unbalanced. In some places, the grassroots and the masses have ”five expectations" for the construction of urban communities: one is that they want their superiors to attach great importance to community building, the second to smooth out the management system for urban communities, and the three hope to really implement the relevant supportive policies for the community. Hope to improve the working conditions of neighborhood committees and services, Wupan hope community construction to meet the needs of the masses to do more practical things. How to make a good community building and to show the management level and civilization level of a city? Therefore, to improve community building is a systematic project of popular feeling.
摘要:随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,建筑工程建设的步伐不断加快,我国建筑施工中出现了各种质量问题,而其中裂缝和渗漏问题在我国建筑施工中是一个不容忽视的问题。建筑结构的裂缝和渗漏问题严重影响着建筑正常的使用功能和使用寿命,同时也对建筑自身外在的整体形象造成了一定程度的影响,因此本文主要分析了建筑工程施工中渗漏问题和裂缝问题产生的原因,并提出防治对策。  关键词:建筑工程;渗漏;裂缝;对策  建筑工程中
通过对离心磨矿机的简化结构及滚筒运动特点进行分析 ,归纳出滚筒内介质破碎物料的四种方式 ,即冲击破碎、磨剥、压碎及劈裂 ,从而揭示了影响离心磨矿机粉碎能耗的原因是破碎